Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's a tough world for babies

There seems to be a whole lot of stuff going on for infants these days.  Back in 1954 when I was born, it was out into the bright lights to view a staff of doctors dressed in green wearing masks, then into mom's arms and life began.  Nowadays, they pop the baby out, then wash him, weigh him, soothe him a bit, then stick needles into him and inject weakened Hepatitis B viruses in a matrix of mercury, msg and formaldehyde.  Tough thing for a newly arrived infant to have to handle being injected into him.  I mean that most newborns already have a huge disadvantage with over 237 toxic chemicals being detected in their blood, all having been consumed by the mother, most inadvertently.  Products of modern industrial society.

But really, Hepatitis B?  This is a disease that is transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids, either through sex or the use of needles shared during intravenous drug use. An infant, what is the logic behind the vaccination for Hep B?  The worst part is that now, teenage kids that were given the government recommended dosing of this particular vaccine are now showing the ineffectiveness of the vaccine by coming down with the disease in their teen years.  Makes one wonder about the reasoning behind requiring this particular vaccine to be administered to infants and to require the vaccine before being allowed admittance to preschools and kindergartens.  Remember, this disease, Hepatitis B, is ONLY transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids or blood as in IV drug use or the exchange of fluids via oral or vaginal sex.  Preschoolers.

Try to remember that AmeriKans have the highest rate of infant vaccinations in the world.  On average, 49 vaccines are recommended before a child is the age of 2.  One child in 88 will become autistic.  In 1954 when I was born, and there were no vaccines, one child in 25,000 was autistic.
The chances of a child in third world countries developing polio, rotavirus, diptheria, tetanus, mennengitus, pneumonia, or influenza and becoming totally debilitated or dying, one in 14,000.

A child in AmeriKa has a GREATER risk of becoming autistic, and possibly totally dependent on their parents for a LIFETIME of intensive home care than they have for contracting ANY of the diseases that the vaccines are supposed to protect them from.

And yet the big drug companies take your money and get bigger and badder.

the decision to vaccinate a child for a disease for which there is little to NO chance of the child contracting becomes even more ridiculous when you consider the side effects possible when injecting this vaccine into a newborn baby.  The NVIC, the National Vaccine Information Center states,
As of March 2012, there was a total of 66,654 hepatitis B vaccine-related adverse events reported to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), including reports of headache, irritability, extreme fatigue, brain inflammation, convulsions, rheumatoid arthritis, optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) and neuropathy.
There have been more than 1,500 hepatitis B vaccine-related deaths reported, including deaths classified as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).”
 The CDC recommends infants receive the Hepatitis B vaccine because "Infants and children who will travel internationally should receive 3 doses of HBV vaccine before traveling:"   (CDC website)  So how did this recommendation, that in reality MAY have some root causative response that is in line with reality become the government MANDATE that all newborn infants receive this deadly Hep B vaccine?

And the coffers of the big drug companies flow with milk and honey.

If you are about to have a baby, think hard about what you want for your baby's health.  Waiting until your infant is 2 years of age reduces the risk of contraction of autism by over 6,000 per cent.  When getting vaccines for yourself or for your child, ask the medical professional what is in the vaccine.  Refuse any vaccine that contains Thimerisol or formaldehyde.

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